Luisa M. Camacho ; Ivan Kaygorodov ; Viktor Lopatkin ; Mohamed A. Salim - The variety of dual mock-Lie algebras

cm:9511 - Communications in Mathematics, October 11, 2020, Volume 28 (2020), Issue 2 (Special Issue: 2nd International Workshop on Nonassociative Algebras in Porto) -
The variety of dual mock-Lie algebrasArticle

Authors: Luisa M. Camacho ; Ivan Kaygorodov ORCID; Viktor Lopatkin ; Mohamed A. Salim

    We classify all complex 7- and 8-dimensional dual mock-Lie algebras by the algebraic and geometric way. Also, we find all non-trivial complex 9-dimensional dual mock-Lie algebras.

    Volume: Volume 28 (2020), Issue 2 (Special Issue: 2nd International Workshop on Nonassociative Algebras in Porto)
    Published on: October 11, 2020
    Imported on: May 11, 2022
    Keywords: General Mathematics,[MATH]Mathematics [math]


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