Mohamed Laghzal ; Abdelouahed El Khalil ; Abdelfattah Touzani - A Weighted Eigenvalue Problems Driven by both p(·)-Harmonic and p(·)-Biharmonic Operators

cm:9519 - Communications in Mathematics, December 23, 2021, Volume 29 (2021), Issue 3 -
A Weighted Eigenvalue Problems Driven by both p(·)-Harmonic and p(·)-Biharmonic OperatorsArticle

Authors: Mohamed Laghzal ORCID1; Abdelouahed El Khalil ; Abdelfattah Touzani

  • 1 University of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah

The existence of at least one non-decreasing sequence of positive eigenvalues for the problem driven by both p(·)-Harmonic and p(·)-biharmonic operatorsΔp(x)2u-Δp(x)u=λw(x)|u|q(x)-2u   in  Ω,            u∈W2,p(⋅)(Ω)∩W0-1,p(⋅)(Ω),is proved by applying a local minimization and the theory of the generalized Lebesgue-Sobolev spaces Lp(·)(Ω) and Wm,p(·)(Ω).

Volume: Volume 29 (2021), Issue 3
Published on: December 23, 2021
Imported on: May 11, 2022
Keywords: General Mathematics,[MATH]Mathematics [math]

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