Volume 24 (2016), Issue 1

1. A note on the pp conjecture for sheaves of spaces of orderings

Paweł Gładki.
In this note we provide a direct and simple proof of a result previously obtained by Astier stating that the class of spaces of orderings for which the pp conjecture holds true is closed under sheaves over Boolean spaces.

2. Integrals of logarithmic and hypergeometric functions

Anthony Sofo.
Integrals of logarithmic and hypergeometric functions are intrinsically connected with Euler sums. In this paper we explore many relations and explicitly derive closed form representations of integrals of logarithmic, hypergeometric functions and the Lerch phi transcendent in terms of zeta functions and sums of alternating harmonic numbers.

3. Torsion and the second fundamental form for distributions

Geoff Prince.
The second fundamental form of Riemannian geometry is generalised to the case of a manifold with a linear connection and an integrable distribution. This bilinear form is generally not symmetric and its skew part is the torsion. The form itself is closely related to the shape map of the connection. The codimension one case generalises the traditional shape operator of Riemannian geometry.

4. Upgrading Probability via Fractions of Events

Roman Frič ; Martin Papčo.
The influence of “Grundbegriffe” by A. N. Kolmogorov (published in 1933) on education in the area of probability and its impact on research in stochastics cannot be overestimated. We would like to point out three aspects of the classical probability theory “calling for” an upgrade: (i) classical random events are black-and-white (Boolean); (ii) classical random variables do not model quantum phenomena; (iii) basic maps (probability measures and observables { dual maps to random variables) have very different “mathematical nature”. Accordingly, we propose an upgraded probability theory based on Łukasiewicz operations (multivalued logic) on events, elementary category theory, and covering the classical probability theory as a special case. The upgrade can be compared to replacing calculations with integers by calculations with rational (and real) numbers. Namely, to avoid the three objections, we embed the classical (Boolean) random events (represented by the f0; 1g-valued indicator functions of sets) into upgraded random events (represented by measurable {0; 1}-valued functions), the minimal domain of probability containing “fractions” of classical random events, and we upgrade the notions of probability measure and random variable.

5. Toeplitz Quantization for Non-commutating Symbol Spaces such as SUq(2)

Stephen Bruce Sontz.
Toeplitz quantization is defined in a general setting in which the symbols are the elements of a possibly non-commutative algebra with a conjugation and a possibly degenerate inner product. We show that the quantum group SUq(2) is such an algebra. Unlike many quantization schemes, this Toeplitz quantization does not require a measure. The theory is based on the mathematical structures defined and studied in several recent papers of the author; those papers dealt with some specific examples of this new Toeplitz quantization. Annihilation and creation operators are defined as densely defined Toeplitz operators acting in a quantum Hilbert space, and their commutation relations are discussed. At this point Planck’s constant is introduced into the theory. Due to the possibility of non-commuting symbols, there are now two definitions for anti-Wick quantization; these two definitions are equivalent in the commutative case. The Toeplitz quantization introduced here satisfies one of these definitions, but not necessarily the other. This theory should be considered as a second quantization, since it quantizes non-commutative (that is, already quantum) objects. The quantization theory presented here has two essential features of a physically useful quantization: Planck’s constant and a Hilbert space where natural, densely defined operators act.

6. Diophantine Approximations of Infinite Series and Products

Ondřej Kolouch ; Lukáš Novotný.
This survey paper presents some old and new results in Diophantine approximations. Some of these results improve Erdos’ results on irrationality. The results in irrationality, transcendence and linear independence of infinite series and infinite products are put together with idea of irrational sequences and expressible sets.