Volume 31 (2023), Issue 2 (Special issue: Euclidean lattices: theory and applications)

Editors: Camilla Hollanti & Lenny Fukshansky

1. Multidimensional integer trigonometry

John Blackman ; James Dolan ; Oleg Karpenkov.
This paper is dedicated to providing an introduction into multidimensional integer trigonometry. We start with an exposition of integer trigonometry in two dimensions, which was introduced in 2008, and use this to generalise these integer trigonometric functions to arbitrary dimension. We then move on to study the basic properties of integer trigonometric functions. We find integer trigonometric relations for transpose and adjacent simplicial cones, and for the cones which generate the same simplices. Additionally, we discuss the relationship between integer trigonometry, the Euclidean algorithm, and continued fractions. Finally, we use adjacent and transpose cones to introduce a notion of best approximations of simplicial cones. In two dimensions, this notion of best approximation coincides with the classical notion of the best approximations of real numbers.

2. On triviality of uniform Diophantine exponents of lattices

Oleg N. German.
In this paper we prove that uniform Diophantine exponents of lattices attain only trivial values.

3. Minkowski's successive minima in convex and discrete geometry

Iskander Aliev ; Martin Henk.
In this short survey we want to present some of the impact of Minkowski's successive minima within Convex and Discrete Geometry. Originally related to the volume of an $o$-symmetric convex body, we point out relations of the successive minima to other functionals, as e.g., the lattice point enumerator or the intrinsic volumes and we present some old and new conjectures about them. Additionally, we discuss an application of successive minima to a version of Siegel's lemma.

4. On the number of lattice points in a ball

Jeffrey D Vaaler.
We prove a fairly general inequality that estimates the number of lattice points in a ball of positive radius in general position in a Euclidean space. The bound is uniform over lattices induced by a matrix having a bounded operator norm.

5. Universal quadratic forms and indecomposables in number fields: A survey

Vítězslav Kala.
We give an overview of universal quadratic forms and lattices, focusing on the recent developments over the rings of integers in totally real number fields. In particular, we discuss indecomposable algebraic integers as one of the main tools.

6. Trace-based cryptanalysis of cyclotomic $R_{q,0}\times R_q$-PLWE for the non-split case

Iván Blanco-Chacón ; Raúl Durán-Díaz ; Rahinatou Yuh Njah Nchiwo ; Beatriz Barbero-Lucas.
We describe a decisional attack against a version of the PLWE problem in which the samples are taken from a certain proper subring of large dimension of the cyclotomic ring $\mathbb{F}_q[x]/(\Phi_{p^k}(x))$ with $k>1$ in the case where $q\equiv 1\pmod{p}$ but $\Phi_{p^k}(x)$ is not totally split over $\mathbb{F}_q$. Our attack uses the fact that the roots of $\Phi_{p^k}(x)$ over suitable extensions of $\mathbb{F}_q$ have zero-trace and has overwhelming success probability as a function of the number of input samples. An implementation in Maple and some examples of our attack are also provided.

7. Perfect Copositive Matrices

Valentin Dannenberg ; Achill Schürmann.
In this paper we give a first study of perfect copositive $n \times n$ matrices. They can be used to find rational certificates for completely positive matrices. We describe similarities and differences to classical perfect, positive definite matrices. Most of the differences occur only for $n \geq 3$, where we find for instance lower rank and indefinite perfect matrices. Nevertheless, we find for all $n$ that for every classical perfect matrix there is an arithmetically equivalent one which is also perfect copositive. Furthermore we study the neighborhood graph and polyhedral structure of perfect copositive matrices. As an application we obtain a new characterization of the cone of completely positive matrices: It is equal to the set of nonnegative matrices having a nonnegative inner product with all perfect copositive matrices.

8. The integer point transform as a complete invariant

Sinai Robins.
The integer point transform $\sigma_\PP$ is an important invariant of a rational polytope $\PP$, and here we show that it is a complete invariant. We prove that it is only necessary to evaluate $\sigma_\PP$ at one algebraic point in order to uniquely determine $\PP$, by employing the Lindemann-Weierstrass theorem. Similarly, we prove that it is only necessary to evaluate the Fourier transform of a rational polytope $\PP$ at a single algebraic point, in order to uniquely determine $\PP$. We prove that identical uniqueness results also hold for integer cones. In addition, by relating the integer point transform to finite Fourier transforms, we show that a finite number of \emph{integer point evaluations} of $\sigma_\PP$ suffice in order to uniquely determine $\PP$. We also give an equivalent condition for central symmetry of a finite point set, in terms of the integer point transform, and prove some facts about its local maxima. Most of the results are proven for arbitrary finite sets of integer points in $\R^d$.

9. On Lattice Constructions D and D' from q-ary Linear Codes

Franciele do Carmo Silva ; Ana Paula de Souza ; Eleonesio Strey ; Sueli I. R. Costa.
Multilevel lattice codes, such as those associated to Constructions $C$, $\overline{D}$, D and D', have relevant applications in communications. In this paper, we investigate some properties of lattices obtained via Constructions D and D' from $q$-ary linear codes. Connections with Construction A, generator matrices, expressions and bounds for the lattice volume and minimum distances are derived. Extensions of previous results regarding construction and decoding of binary and $p$-ary linear codes ($p$ prime) are also presented.

10. Well-Rounded ideal lattices of cyclic cubic and quartic fields

Dat T. Tran ; Nam H. Le ; Ha T. N. Tran.
In this paper, we find criteria for when cyclic cubic and cyclic quartic fields have well-rounded ideal lattices. We show that every cyclic cubic field has at least one well-rounded ideal. We also prove that there exist families of cyclic quartic fields which have well-rounded ideals and explicitly construct their minimal bases. In addition, for a given prime number $p$, if a cyclic quartic field has a unique prime ideal above $p$, then we provide the necessary and sufficient conditions for that ideal to be well-rounded. Moreover, in cyclic quartic fields, we provide the prime decomposition of all odd prime numbers and construct an explicit integral basis for every prime ideal.

11. Euclidean lattices: theory and applications

Lenny Fukshansky ; Camilla Hollanti.
In this editorial survey we introduce the special issue of the journal Communications in Mathematics on the topic in the title of the article. Our main goal is to briefly outline some of the main aspects of this important area at the intersection of theory and applications, providing the context for the articles showcased in this special issue.