Arkady Onishchik - Action of vectorial Lie superalgebras on some split supermanifolds

cm:10455 - Communications in Mathematics, December 14, 2022, Volume 30 (2022), Issue 3 (Special issue: in memory of Arkady Onishchik) -
Action of vectorial Lie superalgebras on some split supermanifoldsArticle

Authors: Arkady Onishchik

    The "curved" super Grassmannian is the supervariety of subsupervarieties of purely odd dimension $k$ in a~supervariety of purely odd dimension $n$, unlike the "usual" super Grassmannian which is the supervariety of linear subsuperspacies of purely odd dimension $k$ in a~superspace of purely odd dimension $n$. The Lie superalgebras of all and Hamiltonian vector fields on the superpoint are realized as Lie superalgebras of derivations of the structure sheaves of certain "curved" super Grassmannians,

    Volume: Volume 30 (2022), Issue 3 (Special issue: in memory of Arkady Onishchik)
    Published on: December 14, 2022
    Accepted on: December 11, 2022
    Submitted on: December 11, 2022
    Keywords: Mathematical Physics,Mathematics - Representation Theory,Primary 17A70, 17B20, 17B70, Secondary 70F25

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