Abderrahim Zagane - Note on geodesics of cotangent bundle with Berger-type deformed Sasaki metric over Kählerian manifold

cm:11025 - Communications in Mathematics, September 3, 2023, Volume 32 (2024), Issue 1 - https://doi.org/10.46298/cm.11025
Note on geodesics of cotangent bundle with Berger-type deformed Sasaki metric over Kählerian manifoldArticle

Authors: Abderrahim Zagane ORCID

    In this paper, first, we introduce the Berger-type deformed Sasaki metric on the cotangent bundle $T^{\ast}M$ over a Kählerian manifold $(M^{2m}, J, g)$ and investigate the Levi-Civita connection of this metric. Secondly, we present the unit cotangent bundle equipped with Berger-type deformed Sasaki metric, and we investigate the Levi-Civita connection. Finally, we study the geodesics on the cotangent bundle and on unit cotangent bundle with respect to the Berger-type deformed Sasaki metric.

    Volume: Volume 32 (2024), Issue 1
    Published on: September 3, 2023
    Accepted on: May 9, 2023
    Submitted on: March 3, 2023
    Keywords: Mathematics - Differential Geometry,53C15, 53C22(Primary) 53C05, 53C55 (Secondary)

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