Subhrajyoti Saha - A recursive formula for the product of element orders of finite abelian groups

cm:10996 - Communications in Mathematics, April 4, 2023, Volume 32 (2024), Issue 1 -
A recursive formula for the product of element orders of finite abelian groupsArticle

Authors: Subhrajyoti Saha 1,2

Let G be a finite group and let ψ(G) denote the sum of element orders of G; later this concept has been used to define R(G) which is the product of the element orders of G. Motivated by the recursive formula for ψ(G), we consider a finite abelian group G and obtain a similar formula for R(G).

Volume: Volume 32 (2024), Issue 1
Published on: April 4, 2023
Accepted on: February 27, 2023
Submitted on: February 27, 2023
Keywords: Finite group,Element order,Abelian group,2010 Mathematics subject classification: 20K01,2010 Mathematics subject classification: 20D60,[MATH]Mathematics [math]



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