Robbert Fokkink - The Pell Tower and Ostronometry

cm:12261 - Communications in Mathematics, October 30, 2024, Volume 33 (2025), Issue 2 (Special issue: Numeration, Liège 2023, dedicated to the 75th birthday of professor Christiane Frougny) -
The Pell Tower and OstronometryArticle

Authors: Robbert Fokkink

    Conway and Ryba considered a table of bi-infinite Fibonacci sequences and discovered new interesting patterns. We extend their considerations to tables that are defined by the recurrence $X_{n+1}=dX_n+X_{n-1}$ for natural numbers $d$. In our search for new patterns we run into a Red Wall and exotic numeration systems.

    Volume: Volume 33 (2025), Issue 2 (Special issue: Numeration, Liège 2023, dedicated to the 75th birthday of professor Christiane Frougny)
    Published on: October 30, 2024
    Accepted on: August 7, 2024
    Submitted on: September 12, 2023
    Keywords: Mathematics - Combinatorics,11A63, 11B39


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