Thoan Do ; Geoff Prince - The inverse problem in the calculus of variations: new developments

cm:9527 - Communications in Mathematics, April 30, 2021, Volume 29 (2021), Issue 1 (Special Issue: Ostrava Mathematical Seminar) -
The inverse problem in the calculus of variations: new developmentsArticle

Authors: Thoan Do ; Geoff Prince ORCID

    We deal with the problem of determining the existence and uniqueness of Lagrangians for systems of n second order ordinary differential equations. A number of recent theorems are presented, using exterior differential systems theory (EDS). In particular, we indicate how to generalise Jesse Douglas’s famous solution for n = 2. We then examine a new class of solutions in arbitrary dimension n and give some non-trivial examples in dimension 3.

    Volume: Volume 29 (2021), Issue 1 (Special Issue: Ostrava Mathematical Seminar)
    Published on: April 30, 2021
    Imported on: May 11, 2022
    Keywords: General Mathematics,[MATH]Mathematics [math]

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