Thiago Castilho de Mello - The image of multilinear polynomials evaluated on 3 × 3 upper triangular matrices

cm:9536 - Communications in Mathematics, July 15, 2021, Volume 29 (2021), Issue 2 (Special Issue: 3rd International Workshop on Nonassociative Algebras in Málaga) -
The image of multilinear polynomials evaluated on 3 × 3 upper triangular matricesArticle

Authors: Thiago Castilho de Mello ORCID

    We describe the images of multilinear polynomials of arbitrary degree evaluated on the 3×3 upper triangular matrix algebra over an infinite field.

    Volume: Volume 29 (2021), Issue 2 (Special Issue: 3rd International Workshop on Nonassociative Algebras in Málaga)
    Published on: July 15, 2021
    Imported on: May 11, 2022
    Keywords: General Mathematics,[MATH]Mathematics [math]



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