Volume 30 (2022), Issue 3 (Special issue: in memory of Arkady Onishchik)

Editors: Dimitry Leites & Sofiane Bouarroudj

1. Arkady Onishchik: on his life and work on supersymmetry

Dimitry Leites.
Selected stories about the life of A. L. Onishchik, and a review of his contribution to the classification of non-split supermanifolds, in particular, supercurves a.k.a. superstrings; his editorial and educational work. A brief overview of his and his students' results in supersymmetry, and their impact on other researchers. Several open problems growing out of Onishchik's research are presented, some of them are related with odd parameters of deformations and non-holonomic structures of supermanifolds important in physical models, such as Minkowski superspaces and certain superstrings.

2. Transitive irreducible Lie superalgebras of vector fields

Arkady Onishchik.
Let $\mathfrak{d}$ be the Lie superalgebra of superderivations of the sheaf of sections of the exterior algebra of the homogeneous vector bundle $E$ over the flag variety $G/P$, where $G$ is a simple finite-dimensional complex Lie group and $P$ its parabolic subgroup. Then, $\mathfrak{d}$ is transitive and irreducible whenever $E$ is defined by an irreducible $P$-module $V$ such that the highest weight of $V^*$ is dominant. Moreover, $\mathfrak{d}$ is simple; it is isomorphic to the Lie superalgebra of vector fields on the superpoint, i.e., on a $0|n$-dimensional supervariety.

3. Action of vectorial Lie superalgebras on some split supermanifolds

Arkady Onishchik.
The "curved" super Grassmannian is the supervariety of subsupervarieties of purely odd dimension $k$ in a~supervariety of purely odd dimension $n$, unlike the "usual" super Grassmannian which is the supervariety of linear subsuperspacies of purely odd dimension $k$ in a~superspace of purely odd dimension $n$. The Lie superalgebras of all and Hamiltonian vector fields on the superpoint are realized as Lie superalgebras of derivations of the structure sheaves of certain "curved" super Grassmannians,

4. Non-split supermanifolds associated with the cotangent bundle

Arkady Onishchik.
Here, I study the problem of classification of non-split supermanifolds having as retract the split supermanifold $(M,\Omega)$, where $\Omega$ is the sheaf of holomorphic forms on a given complex manifold $M$ of dimension $> 1$. I propose a general construction associating with any $d$-closed $(1,1)$-form $\omega$ on $M$ a supermanifold with retract $(M,\Omega)$ which is non-split whenever the Dolbeault class of $\omega$ is non-zero. In particular, this gives a non-empty family of non-split supermanifolds for any flag manifold $M\ne \mathbb{CP}^1$. In the case where $M$ is an irreducible compact Hermitian symmetric space, I get a complete classification of non-split supermanifolds with retract $(M,\Omega)$. For each of these supermanifolds, the 0- and 1-cohomology with values in the tangent sheaf are calculated. As an example, I study the $\Pi$-symmetric super-Grassmannians introduced by Yu. Manin.

5. Invariant bilinear differential operators

Pavel Grozman.
I classified bilinear differential operators acting in the spaces of tensor fields on any real or complex manifold and invariant with respect to the diffeomorphisms in 1980. Here I give the details of the proof.

6. Galois cohomology of reductive algebraic groups over the field of real numbers

Mikhail Borovoi.
We describe functorially the first Galois cohomology set $H^1({\mathbb R},G)$ of a connected reductive algebraic group $G$ over the field $\mathbb R$ of real numbers in terms of a certain action of the Weyl group on the real points of order dividing 2 of the maximal torus containing a maximal compact torus. This result was announced with a sketch of proof in the author's 1988 note. Here we give a detailed proof.

7. On a Theorem of J. Shallit Concerning Fibonacci Partitions

Felix Weinstein.
In this note I prove a~claim on determinants of some special tridiagonal matrices. Together with my result about Fibonacci partitions (arXiv:math/0307150), this claim allows one to prove one (slightly strengthened) Shallit's result about such partitions.

8. Homogeneous superstrings with retract $CP^{1|4}$

Mikhail Bashkin.
Any complex-analytic supermanifold whose retract is diffeomorphic to the complex projective superline (superstring) $CP^{1|4}$ is, up to a diffeomorphism, either a member of a 1-parameter family or one of 9 exceptional supermanifolds. I singled out the homogeneous of these supermanifolds and described Lie superalgebras of vector fields on them.

9. Homogeneous non-split superstrings of odd dimension 4

Mikhail Bashkin.
Let $\mathbf L_k$ be the holomorphic line bundle of degree $k \in \mathbb Z$ on the projective line. Here, the tuples $(k_1 k_2 k_3 k_4)$ for which there does not exists homogeneous non-split supermanifolds $CP^{1|4}_{k_1 k_2 k_3 k_4}$ associated with the vector bundle $\mathbf L_{−k_1} \oplus \mathbf L _{−k_2} \oplus \mathbf L_{−k_3} \oplus \mathbf L_{−k_4}$ are classified. \\For many types of the remaining tuples, there are listed cocycles that determine homogeneous non-split supermanifolds. \\Proofs follow the lines indicated in the paper Bunegina V.A., Onishchik A.L., Homogeneous supermanifolds associated with the complex projective line.neous supermanifolds associated with the complex projective line. J. Math. Sci. V. 82 (1996)3503­--3527.

10. Supermanifolds corresponding to the trivial vector bundle over torus

Mikhail Bashkin.
All supermanifolds whose retract $T^{m|n}$ is determined by the trivial bundle of rank $n$ over the torus $T^m$ are $\overline 0$-homogeneous if and only if $T^{m|n}$ is homogeneous.

11. Transitions between root subsets associated with Carter diagrams

Rafael Stekolshchik.
For any two root subsets associated with two Carter diagrams that have the same $ADE$ type and the same size, we construct the transition matrix that maps one subset to the other. The transition between these two subsets is carried out in some canonical way affecting exactly one root, so that this root is mapped to the minimal element in some root subsystem. The constructed transitions are involutions. It is shown that all root subsets associated with the given Carter diagram are conjugate under the action of the Weyl group. A numerical relationship is observed between enhanced Dynkin diagrams $\Delta(E_6)$, $\Delta(E_7)$ and $\Delta(E_8)$ (introduced by Dynkin-Minchenko) and Carter diagrams. This relationship echoes the $2-4-8$ assertions obtained by Ringel, Rosenfeld and Baez in completely different contexts regarding the Dynkin diagrams $E_6$, $E_7$, $E_8$.

12. Discrete complex reflection groups

Vladimir L. Popov.
Here are reproduced slightly edited notes of my lectures on the classification of discrete groups generated by complex reflections of Hermitian affine spaces delivered in October of 1980 at the University of Utrecht.