Volume 32 (2024), Issue 2 (Special issue: CIMPA schools "Nonassociative Algebras and related topics, Brazil'2023" and "Current Trends in Algebra, Philippines'2024")

Editors: Adam Chapman, Ivan Kaygorodov & Mohamed Elhamdadi

1. Extended commutator algebra for the $q$-oscillator and a related Askey-Wilson algebra

Rafael Reno S. Cantuba.
Let $q$ be a nonzero complex number that is not a root of unity. In the $q$-oscillator with commutation relation $ a a^+-qa^+ a =1$, it is known that the smallest commutator algebra of operators containing the creation and annihilation operators $a^+$ and $ a $ is the linear span of $a^+$ and $ a $, together with all operators of the form ${a^+}^l{\left[a,a^+\right]}^k$, and ${\left[a,a^+\right]}^k a ^l$, where $l$ is a nonnegative integer and $k$ is a positive integer. That is, linear combinations of operators of the form $ a ^h$ or $(a^+)^h$ with $h\geq 2$ or $h=0$ are outside the commutator algebra generated by $ a $ and $a^+$. This is a solution to the Lie polynomial characterization problem for the associative algebra generated by $a^+$ and $ a $. In this work, we extend the Lie polynomial characterization into the associative algebra $\mathcal{P}=\mathcal{P}(q)$ generated by $ a $, $a^+$, and the operator $e^{\omega N}$ for some nonzero real parameter $\omega$, where $N$ is the number operator, and we relate this to a $q$-oscillator representation of the Askey-Wilson algebra $AW(3)$.

2. Solvable Leibniz superalgebras whose nilradical has the characteristic sequence $(n-1, 1 \mid m)$ and nilindex $n+m$

Khudoyberdiyev A. Kh. ; Muratova Kh. A.
Leibniz superalgebras with nilindex $n + m$ and characteristic sequence $(n-1, 1 \ | \ m)$ divided into four parametric classes that contain a set of non-isomorphic superalgebras. In this paper, we give a complete classification of solvable Leibniz superalgebras whose nilradical is a nilpotent Leibniz superalgebra with nilindex $n + m$ and characteristic sequence $(n-1, 1 \ | \ m)$. We obtain a condition for the value of parameters of the classes of such nilpotent superalgebras for which they have a solvable extension. Moreover, the classification of solvable Leibniz superalgebras whose nilradical is a Lie superalgebra with the maximal nilindex is given.

3. Some generalizations of the variety of transposed Poisson algebras

B. K. Sartayev.
It is shown that the variety of transposed Poisson algebras coincides with the variety of Gelfand-Dorfman algebras in which the Novikov multiplication is commutative. The Gröbner-Shirshov basis for the transposed Poisson operad is calculated up to degree 4. Furthermore, we demonstrate that every transposed Poisson algebra is F-manifold. We verify that the special identities of GD-algebras hold in transposed Poisson algebras. Finally, we propose a conjecture stating that every transposed Poisson algebra is special, i.e., can be embedded into a differential Poisson algebra.

4. Alternating Roots of Polynomials over Cayley-Dickson Algebras

Adam Chapman ; Ilan Levin.
We introduce the notions of alternating roots of polynomials and alternating polynomials over a Cayley-Dickson algebra, and prove a connection between the alternating roots of a given polynomial and the roots of the corresponding alternating polynomial over the Cayley-Dickson doubling of the algebra. We also include a detailed Octave code for the computation of alternating roots over Hamilton's quaternions.

5. Lie pairs

Letterio Gatto ; Louis Rowen.
Extending the theory of systems, we introduce a theory of Lie semialgebra ``pairs'' which parallels the classical theory of Lie algebras, but with a ``null set'' replacing $0$. A selection of examples is given. These Lie pairs comprise two categories in addition to the universal algebraic definition, one with ``weak Lie morphisms'' preserving null sums, and the other with ``$\preceq$-morphisms'' preserving a surpassing relation $\preceq$ that replaces equality. We provide versions of the PBW (Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt) Theorem in these three categories.

6. Identities for subspaces of the Weyl algebra

Artem Lopatin ; Carlos Arturo Rodriguez Palma.
In this paper we describe the polynomial identities of degree 4 for a certain subspace of the Weyl algebra A_1 over an infinite field of arbitrary characteristic.

7. Cohomology and Deformations of left-symmetric Rinehart Algebras

A. Ben Hassine ; T. Chtioui ; M. Elhamdadi ; S. Mabrouk.
We introduce a notion of left-symmetric Rinehart algebras, which is a generalization of a left-symmetric algebras. The left multiplication gives rise to a representation of the corresponding sub-adjacent Lie-Rinehart algebra. We construct left-symmetric Rinehart algebra from O-operators on Lie-Rinehart algebra. We extensively investigate representations of a left-symmetric Rinehart algebras. Moreover, we study deformations of left-symmetric Rinehart algebras, which is controlled by the second cohomology class in the deformation cohomology. We also give the relationships between O-operators and Nijenhuis operators on left-symmetric Rinehart algebras.