Communications in Mathematics |
Editors: David Towers & Ivan Kaygorodov
Over a composition algebra $A$, a polynomial $f(x) \in A[x]$ has a root $\alpha$ if and only $f(x)=g(x)\cdot (x-\alpha)$ for some $g(x) \in A[x]$. We examine whether this is true for general Cayley-Dickson algebras. The conclusion is that it is when $f(x)$ is linear or monic quadratic, but it is false in general. Similar questions about the connections between $f$ and its companion $C_f(x)=f(x)\cdot \overline{f(x)}$ are studied. Finally, we compute the left eigenvalues of $2\times 2$ octonion matrices.
This survey aims to collect the main results of the theory of the set-theoretical solutions to the pentagon equation obtained up to now in the literature. In particular, we present some classes of solutions and raise some questions.
In this paper, we consider Lie-admissible algebras, which are free Novikov and free Lie-admissible algebras with an additional metabelian identity. We construct a linear basis for both free metabelian Novikov and free metabelian Lie-admissible algebras. Additionally, we describe a space of symmetric polynomials for both the free metabelian Novikov algebra and the free metabelian Lie-admissible algebra.
Axial algebras of Jordan type $\eta$ are a special type of commutative non-associative algebras. They are generated by idempotents whose adjoint operators have the minimal polynomial dividing $(x-1)x(x-\eta)$, where $\eta$ is a fixed value that is not equal to $0$ or $1$. These algebras have restrictive multiplication rules that generalize the Peirce decomposition for idempotents in Jordan algebras. A universal $3$-generated algebra of Jordan type $\frac{1}{2}$ as an algebra with $4$ parameters was constructed by I. Gorshkov and A. Staroletov. Depending on the value of the parameter, the universal algebra may contain a non-trivial form radical. In this paper, we describe all semisimple $3$-generated algebras of Jordan type $\frac{1}{2}$ over a quadratically closed field.
Around 20 years ago, M. Van den Bergh introduced double Poisson brackets as operations on associative algebras inducing Poisson brackets under the representation functor. Weaker versions of these operations, called modified double Poisson brackets, were later introduced by S. Arthamonov in order to induce a Poisson bracket on moduli spaces of representations of the corresponding associative algebras. Moreover, he defined two operations that he conjectured to be modified double Poisson brackets. The first case of this conjecture was recently proved by M. Goncharov and V. Gubarev motivated by the theory of Rota-Baxter operators of nonzero weight. We settle the conjecture by realising the second case as part of a new family of modified double Poisson brackets. These are obtained from mixed double Poisson algebras, a new class of algebraic structures that are introduced and studied in the present work.
We describe $\sigma$-matching, interchangeable and, as a consequence, totally compatible products on some classes of associative algebras, including unital algebras, the semigroup algebras of rectangular bands, algebras with enough idempotents, free non-unital associative algebras and free non-unital commutative associative algebras.
In this paper, we find the Hochschild cohomology groups of the universal associative conformal envelope $U(3)$ of the Virasoro Lie conformal algebra with respect to associative locality $N=3$ on the generator with coefficients in all finite modules. In order to obtain this result, we construct the Anick resolution via the algebraic discrete Morse theory and Gröbner--Shirshov basis.